As a proud Australian company, Tieco International (Aust) Pty Ltd. (Tieco) has been a supplier and manufacturer of high-quality heavy-duty truck parts and accessories for over 50 years. Our success is built upon the foundation of our values and high standards of conduct, ethics, and integrity. Our Code of Conduct sets out the standards of conduct and behaviour we expect from Tieco employees. In performing their job duties, Tieco employees should always act lawfully, ethically, and in the best interests of Tieco.
1. Modern Slavery and Child Labour
Tieco strives for the workplace to be free from discrimination, harassment, and bullying, and complies with all applicable human rights laws and international standards.
Modern slavery is depriving a person of freedom for commercial gain and in violation of fundamental human rights. It describes situations where offenders use coercion, threats or deception to exploit victims and undermine their freedom. Modern slavery involves work that is performed involuntarily and under the threat of penalties including retention of passports or other identity documents, restriction of freedom of movement, violence or intimidation, debt bondage, threats of deportation, physical or sexual violence or withholding wages. Modern slavery is a criminal offence.
Tieco does not tolerate any form of slavery or child labour including forced labour and require employees to report to their manager any suspicions of modern slavery in our operations or supply chains.
2. Discrimination and Harassment
Tieco provides an equal opportunity workplace and will not tolerate illegal discrimination or harassment of any kind. Tieco aims to provide employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders with a safe, supportive, and inclusive workplace.
All employees are responsible for contributing to a safe, fair, and respectful workplace, free from harassment, sexual harassment and sexual assault, bullying, racism, and discrimination. Employees are expected to behave professionally and are held accountable for their behaviour and conduct. This applies when employees are work, either on or off-site or in any activity connected with their employment at Tieco. Employees must not bully, harass, sexually harass, or discriminate against any person, whether that person is another Tieco employee, customer, supplier, or a member of the public.
3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
At Tieco, we have created a work environment where people from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives are welcome and given the opportunity to contribute to their full potential, without prejudice or inappropriate workplace behaviour such as discrimination, harassment or bullying.
Tieco encourages a diverse workplace, by welcoming and facilitating the incorporation of difference in thinking styles, abilities, education, background, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, and family status. Employees are prohibited from making decisions based on individual’s personal characteristics (e.g., race, sex, age) and doing so may constitute unlawful discrimination.
Code of Conduct
4. Anti-corruption and anti-money laundering
Tieco prohibits giving or accepting bribes in the course of doing of business and has zero tolerance for corruption and fraud.
Employees must not bribe anyone in the course of their job duties, either directly or through a third party, regardless of whether their duties involve engagements with governments or the private sector. Engaging in such conduct can have serious consequences for Tieco and Employees which may include substantial fines and jail.
Tieco is also committed to ensuring that our activities do not facilitate money laundering or terrorist financing. Employees are required to report to their manager if they suspect money laundering in Tieco’s operations or supply chain.
5. Financial Responsibility (Accurate Records) and Disclosure of information
Tieco believes in demonstrating integrity through the accuracy of our financial statements and regulatory reports. This is critical to the success of our business and to maintaining the trust of our customers, employees, and other stakeholders.
Tieco’s records and financial statements must be accurately and appropriately maintained and detailed, and they must conform both to applicable law and to Tieco’s internal controls.
Employees responsible for preparing financial and non-financial reports must follow Tieco processes and internal controls to ensure the accuracy and completeness of reports that appropriately reflect Tieco and our business activities. Reports should be prepared in a timely manner and understandable by their intended audience.
6. Fair Competition and Anti-Trust
Competition laws promote fair competition and prevent the restriction of trade or free and fair competition, which includes fixing prices, rigging bids, sharing markets, or participating in cartels. A breach of competition laws could result in serious consequences for employees and Tieco and may include fines and imprisonment.
Employees must not breach, or appear to breach, any competition and consumer laws. This includes discussing prices or making formal or informal agreements with any competitor regarding prices, discounts, or business terms, where such agreements would breach applicable competition and consumer laws.
When presenting Tieco, employees must genuinely participate in any tender processes, ensure that any claims made about Tieco products are accurate and report any suspected breaches of competition and consumer laws to your manager.
7. Conflicts of Interest
In performing their job duties, employees are expected to act in Tieco’s best interests. A conflict of interest exists when an employee’s personal interest interferes, or has the potential to interfere, with the best interests of Tieco.
Employees should attempt to avoid conflicts of interest and if that is not possible, or an employee otherwise believes a conflict of interest exists, they should notify their manager.
Code of Conduct
8. Export Controls and Economic Sanctions
Tieco complies with its legal obligations under Australian and international trade control laws, including export controls that restrict exports of certain goods or technology, sanctions that prohibit or restrict trade and financial transactions with specified individuals, entities, or regions, and anti-boycott laws.
Employees must comply with all applicable export control laws. If an employee becomes aware of any activity involving Tieco that breaches export control or economic sanctions laws they must immediately inform their manager.
9. Questions; Reporting Violations
Employees should speak with anyone in their management chain if they have any questions about this Code of Conduct.